Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I'm not going to talk long about YouTube. I've been on to YouTube since college - lots of fun videos for bored college kids to enjoy, and when we entertain our friends now we mostly end up just sitting around watching YouTube videos all night - and my husband and I also have our own account where we post videos of our youth group kids (http://www.youtube.com/user/engelhardtlm1) so I consider myself *very* comfortable with YouTube and the way it works.

And that was an incredibly long sentence.

That said, here is a fun music video by the French group Dionysos. They do good stuff:

May I also recommend Hulu (www.hulu.org) for TV shows and movies online, and Animoto (www.animoto.org) for a place where you can make your own short films to share your photos online. Both great video sharing sites.

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