Wednesday, September 3, 2008

RSS feeds

I've never really dealt much with RSS feeds. They're a little bit intimidating, since people like professional online comics stars and famous authors have them. But, since that's the newest task for CML Learn & Play, I've given it a try.

And I kind of like it...

It looks like it might be a neat way to keep all my most-visited websites together, which I suspect is probably one of the points of the whole thing. It was also kind of a winnowing exercise deciding what to put on my feed and what to leave off. Sort of a "I go here often but is it really THAT often?" discussion in my head.

ETA: FINALLY got my bloglines website thing to show. You can find my blogroll here: (A note about the name "barigrl:" While it is often misread as BAR girl, it is actually BARI girl. In high school, I had the distinction of being the only girl in the whole county who played bari sax in marching band. Obviously I'm reaching far back to pull out very old usernames for this projects, haha.)

1 comment:

**5p34k1nt0ngu3z** said...

You mistakenly linked your blogines blog. Your blogroll is here.